Rhinoplasty/Nose Aesthetics

Rhinoplasty is a surgical procedure performed for aesthetic and functional purposes. Rhinoplasty improves the overall balance and proportion of the face by changing the shape and size of the nose. In addition, it can help to eliminate respiratory problems by correcting the anatomical structures in the nose.

Before the rhinoplasty operation, a preliminary consultation is carried out to understand the expectations and wishes of the patient. At this stage, the patient's nose structure, skin quality, age, gender and general health status are evaluated. The surgeon creates the most appropriate surgical plan, taking into account the patient's wishes.

General anesthesia is usually used during the operation. The surgeon accesses the bone and cartilage structure of the nose by making incisions on the nose and removing the skin and soft tissues. The protrusions on the nasal dorsum are corrected, the tip of the nose is shaped, the nostrils are reshaped or narrowed. The surgeon precisely corrects the nose structure to achieve a natural and balanced appearance.

During the postoperative recovery period, the patient may experience swelling and bruising around the nose for several weeks. During this time, it is important for the patient to follow the doctor's instructions to ensure full recovery. Although the recovery process differs from person to person, normal daily activities can usually be returned within a few weeks.